Hospitals of Hope

"Showing Christ's love by healing bodies and souls"
A Christian organization which uses medicine to heal the physical body and then uses the Gospel of Jesus Christ to cure the soul.
For more info go to

Saturday, June 25, 2011

How to feed 25 Volunteers...

Well this week has been pretty good here at Hospitals of Hope.  We got a whole bunch of new people and so things have been interesting and sometimes stressful with so many.  Since I know my way around the kitchen I've been doing most of the cooking, which is fine since I enjoy it.  Everyone seems to appreciate my cooking so I feel useful and a valuable part of the group. 

Thursday was a holiday here in Bolivia so we had the day off since no one would be working at the hospital.  We went to the administrator of the hospital's church (Rudy) and had a nice little devotion outside and we played an interesting game.  We all sat in a circle with one vacant chair and the person to the left of the empty chair would have to say "my right is vacant for..." in Spanish then fill in someone's name.  It was a sort of name game.  But if you go too slow (or if you don't speak Spanish well) then you get punished, which is what happened to me.  It was all in good fun though. 

Yesterday I worked in the Lab again, my favorite place to be in the hospital.  Daniel (the lab guy) invited me and some other volunteers to his church this Sunday so I am looking forward to that.  I got to see some more cool stuff in the lab including some cultures that he had grown and crystals in someone's urine.  Very cool.  

Today we did a clinic at a local school and I helped to do the physical examination of some of the children.  Since I have mostly only worked with adults in a medical setting it was good for me to see children and how they are different.  We didn't have any sick kids which is really good for this area and I feel like it was a productive morning.  Right now everyone is either at street kid washing in downtown Cochabamba or climbing Inca Racai (the mountain I failed to climb).  I decided to stay behind to cook dinner and to get some needed peace and quiet.  I'm still enjoying my trip so far but I am ready to go home.  Only about a week and a half left until I fly out so pray that everything goes okay.  Thanks for reading, God Bless!


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"May God be gracious to us and bless us and make His face shine on us so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. " Psalms 67 : 1-2