Hospitals of Hope

"Showing Christ's love by healing bodies and souls"
A Christian organization which uses medicine to heal the physical body and then uses the Gospel of Jesus Christ to cure the soul.
For more info go to

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Crash and Some Medication

So, I know it's been a while since I have posted, well there is a reason for that.  On Thursday my hard drive threatened to crash, so I have turned off my computer for the remainder of the trip until I can get it into the hands of someone smarter than me (like my mom) who can maybe save my pictures and stuff.  So until then, I will have to borrow other people's laptops to check my email and update my blog.  I do apologize for the space in between the past blog and this one.

On another note, I was tested for parasites and I do not have them!  But, just in case the doctor here has placed me on an antibiotic and an anti parasitic to get rid of whatever has been causing my two weeks of lower intestinal distress.  On the plus side, I've lost almost 20lbs since coming here!  True it was from being sick most of the time, but I'll take it!  I'm feeling good at the moment, I'll try my best to keep everyone updated on my "condition".  :-) 

I cant really update you on a whole weeks worth of stuff, so I'll just review this week so far.  Monday I worked in the lab again, I love working there.  I don't get to actually do much, but the Doctor in charge of the lab Daniel speaks some English so he shows me lab results and tries to explain things to me.  I gotten to see parasites under the microscope and different types of bacterial cultures that have been grown.  It's really exciting because what I have just learned in Microbiology this past semester is actually being practiced here!  I love putting my education to use in a practical way!

Today is a holiday in Bolivia so the hospital was closed.  We cleaned the house this morning in preparation for the teams of people coming and then we went to an orphanage this afternoon.  This orphanage was for older girls and I had them make salvation bracelets and explained what each color meant.  Black for sin, red for Jesus' blood, white for purity, green for growth, and yellow for heaven.  They seemed to understand well and I gave them each two bracelets, one for them and one for them to give to a friend and explain the meaning.  We also played some games with them and taught them some simple English phrases. 

All in all it was a good day today.  I seem to be on the mend and still doing a lot here.  I enjoy helping cook dinner and I'm pretty darn good at mopping.  Must be all of that Navy training!  Thank you all for your continued prayers and for reading!  God Bless!


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"May God be gracious to us and bless us and make His face shine on us so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. " Psalms 67 : 1-2