Hospitals of Hope

"Showing Christ's love by healing bodies and souls"
A Christian organization which uses medicine to heal the physical body and then uses the Gospel of Jesus Christ to cure the soul.
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Friday, June 10, 2011

Sickly Sarah

It took two days for me to get over my sickness, mostly.  I'm still feeling nauseous from time to time and cant eat too much but it's better that how I was.  I spent Wednesday in bed most of the day and yesterday I slept in till about 10.  I was feeling better and I ate some oatmeal for my stomach since it was pretty empty.  Our house father wanted a stool sample from me to check for "bugs" but I had stopped that portion of my sickness by then, it was just the nausea.  I continued to feel better througout the day and by evening I was in a pretty good mood.  I helped start a fire to cook dinner on, last time it took the boys over an hour to start the fire, it took me about 20 min to get it going so that it was steady.  They have weird charcoal here, not like in the States.  It's mostly just already burnt wood, so they were just trying to like cardboard under it and get it to start.  I smartly put cardboard, then some sticks, then the charcoal down and it took much better.  I was proud of my camping background, thanks Dad! :-)  Then everyone went to play walleball (like vollyball in an enclosed space) and I stayed behind with a few others and we cooked shishkabobs over the fire.  I felt productive since I had spent the last two days sick and in bed. Everyone really liked them and said I did a good job, that felt good. 

This morning 5 of us went to another hospital in the city of Cochabamba, the second time I had been there.  I told the main doctor that I was a nursing student, so he put me with the nurses at the nurses station and I sat there for an hour forming cotton balls.  The rest of the group got to see cool surgies, a breast reconstruction and a C-Section!  I would have loved to see that, next time I'll know just to ask for the surgeries.  Hanging out with the nurses was fine, but they didn't speak english and I'm no good at Spanish so it was just making cotton balls and trying to understand simple sentences. 

We just got back a while ago, and the rest of the volunteers had already left to go to another orphanage so we're here alone and I have time to do some laundry and catch you all up on my blog.  Not much has happened, but I like to keep you all informed.  Thanks so much for your continued prayers and support.  Thanks for reading, God Bless!


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"May God be gracious to us and bless us and make His face shine on us so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. " Psalms 67 : 1-2