Hospitals of Hope

"Showing Christ's love by healing bodies and souls"
A Christian organization which uses medicine to heal the physical body and then uses the Gospel of Jesus Christ to cure the soul.
For more info go to

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Uno Semana!

One week has passed by and we are all still here and doing well.  Yesterday we didn't go to the hospital, we visited two orphanages instead.  In the morning we visited a home for older girls 12-18 which was good because they were more mellow and listened to what we had to say.  We did a craft with them where they filled in a butterfly picture with paper mache and glue, it was fun!  One of our volunteers who speaks spanish well told them a story of being born again and paired it with how a catapiller changes into a butterfly and is also "reborn".  Even though I don't speak much Spanish, I am learning and I communicated a few things with the girl I was helping. Then Anna handed out some of the dresses she brought that her family made for the kids.  The girls really enjoyed getting the dresses and overall had a good time with us. 

After that a few of us decided to go to the big market in Cochabamba which is open on Wednesdays and Saturdays.  It was fun to walk around and see all of the unique items up for sale.  If you have never been to a third world market, it is quite an experience.  Women kept talking to me and trying to sell me things but since I spoke little spanish I think I ended up just nodding my head or saying no thank you.  I just enjoy walking around and seeing all the fun stuff, I didn't buy anything because I'm here for 5 more weeks and I'm sure we'll be back to the market in that time.  I did eat some fresh pineapple from a street vender and I have yet to get sick from it, so that is good.  I think God is protecting my stomach because I haven't been really picky with my food.  I only drink the filtered or bottled water, but I'm more relaxed with food. 

Then we headed to another orphanage that evening with babies 0-5 years of age.  We got to feed them dinner then carry them around for a few hours and play with the older ones.  I enjoyed working there because I don't get to spend much time with babies so it was fun just to hold them and interact.  After about 3 hours with the babies, we were all pretty tired, but our house father picked us up with one more surprise, cow hearts for dinner!  I only ate a few just to try it, and it was okay but I enjoyed the regular beef better. 

Today Anna and I were supposed to observe an OB-GYN clinic in the afternoon, but it didn't happen today so it was a slow day for us.  We did bake some chocolate chip banana bread for everyone's dessert this evening, so that was a fun way to spend our time.  We also got a tour of a university in our small town of Vinto (where the hospital actually is) which was nice.  Everyone's health is back to normal for now, thank you for your prayers.  We've only been here for one week but it feels like we've been here a lot longer.  Pray that God will use us in the coming weeks and that we will do His will.  Thanks for reading and praying, God Bless!


1 comment:

  1. Wow, you've been there a week already! We are praying for you everyday. Justin's whole Sunday school class is praying for missionary cousin Sarah!.
    Keep smiling!


"May God be gracious to us and bless us and make His face shine on us so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. " Psalms 67 : 1-2