Hospitals of Hope

"Showing Christ's love by healing bodies and souls"
A Christian organization which uses medicine to heal the physical body and then uses the Gospel of Jesus Christ to cure the soul.
For more info go to

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Feliz Dia Mama!

Hey Everyone,

Well, we started working at the hospital on Thursday morning.  Rounds start at 8am and it is basically us following the doctors and trying to understand what they are saying (since it's all in spanish).  Then on Thursday Anna and I shadowed the Peds doctor until noon.  We just sat and watched and listened, not really doing anything but absorbing the culture and the language.  Yesterday was Mother's Day here in Bolivia and they had a nice little presentation at the hospital.  Some kids from the local school sang a few mothers day songs (which are still stuck in my head) and they showed a slide show on how to properly breastfeed.  Strange combonation, but I guess we're all more informed now! :-)  Unfortunately I was still feeling pretty bad with an increasingly bad headache and nausea which I attributed to altitude sickness.  I had to leave the hosptial early to go lay down because I was pretty misrable.  I slept most of the day feeling even more homesick because I just felt so bad, but thank the Lord it went away and I had a pretty good evening. 

Today, Saturday, we took a hike up a mountian but I only made it about a quarter of the way up before my sickness took over and I couldn't breath.  Another girl who is here with Hosptials of Hope, Heidi stayed with me until I got my breath back and then we went down the mountian together.  It was okay though because we got to experience a nice small town in Bolivia and see the market and even eat lunch at a local place that may or may not make me sick later...  I'll let you know. :-)  We did bless the food, so I'm feeling pretty good about it. 

After that we went to another town and bathed street children which was interesting.  I didn't speak much so I kind of felt out of place, but it was good to see how happy the children were just to get their hair washed and to get some nice clothes.  We met up with some other missionaries who do this often and it was also nice to see some other Americans...  I think we do that everyweek, so hopefully I can improove on my Spanish and include myself a little bit more next time.  Tomorrow is church which we are going to a Spanish speaking church, big surprise... So I'll be lost, but hopefully some of the people here can translate a bit for me.  My headache is gone for now thank the Lord and thanks for your prayers.  Thank you for reading and supporting me, God Bless!



  1. So glad to hear you are feeling better - we will be praying for you today at church! Love You Good!

  2. You are such a blessing! I am so proud of you, Sarah! I will keep praying for you. Stay safe, feel better, keep smiling!
    Lots of love and prayers from NH!


"May God be gracious to us and bless us and make His face shine on us so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. " Psalms 67 : 1-2