Hospitals of Hope

"Showing Christ's love by healing bodies and souls"
A Christian organization which uses medicine to heal the physical body and then uses the Gospel of Jesus Christ to cure the soul.
For more info go to

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I am at the end...

Thanks to everyone who has read and enjoyed this blog.  Tomorrow is my last day here in Bolivia and I am both sad and happy.  I have been here for six weeks and it feels like it's time for me to leave.  I miss my husband terribly and just some comforts from home (like a hot shower).  But I have enjoyed my stay here and I am very happy that I came.  I have enjoyed cooking for up to 25 people at a time and being appreciated by all of them.  I have enjoyed working in the lab and learning new things in both Spanish and English.  I have enjoyed spending time with the children of Cochabamba, washing them, clothing them and painting their nails.  I have enjoyed playing with the orphans and seeing the joy on their faces.  Overall, I have loved my time here and I would reccomend it to anyone who wants to get outside of their comfort zone and serve the Lord.

Tomorrow I will fly from Cochabamba to La Paz Bolivia at 7:45pm and then I will head for the states at 10pm from La Paz to Miami Florida.  If all goes to plan I will see my husband at the Charlotte airport on Friday afternoon sometime.  Please pray for safe travels for me and for all of the flights to be on time so I don't miss any.  Thank you all so much for reading, I will let you know when I am safely back in the States.


Friday, July 1, 2011

The time is close at hand...

Wow, I cant believe I have been here for over 5 weeks and I only have 6 days left in this beautiful country.  I have enjoyed my time here so much, but the last few weeks I have enjoyed more than the rest.  The large group of people we have here now is full of just wonderful Christians who love the Lord and love their brothers and sisters in Christ.  I feel like I have bonded with these people in the past two weeks and we are just like a big family who gets along so well with each other.  I will be sad to leave this wonderful group of people behind...

This week has been a good one for me.  I have been working in the lab every morning and mostly cooking dinner in the evenings.  We have had a lot of places offered to go this week, but since I will be leaving soon I decided to stay in the lab since I enjoy it so much.  I did spend one afternoon in "English Camp" a day camp sort of thing for some older orphans who want to learn English.  I had fun with them but my Spanish is so limited I was not very helpful in teaching them English.  But we played some games and had some fun regardless! 

I will be flying out of the country Thursday evening if you could keep me in your prayers.  I don't know if I'll have the computer access this next week to write another blog, but I will try.  I'm just asking for all of your prayers, thank you so much for keeping up with me and reading my blog.  God bless you all.

"May God be gracious to us and bless us and make His face shine on us so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. " Psalms 67 : 1-2